Network Connectivity Issues: DIY vs Professional Help

Jan 15, 2024

By Dennis Shelly

More today than ever before we have become reliant on gadgets requiring network connectivity. Network connectivity is a necessity for both personal and professional activities in our increasingly connected world. However, when these gadgets malfunction or experience network connectivity issues in your home or office, you may face the decision of whether to tackle these issues yourself or seek professional assistance. DIY (Do It Yourself) solutions do offer cost savings, however, this may be highly time-consuming or require additional expertise. Professional assistance may be beneficial for advanced configuration requirements or complex issues. Professional setups provide scalability, expert guidance, and minimized error risk, but may come with higher costs.

This article will compare DIY vs. professional assistance for network connectivity issues and new network setups, helping you determine the best approach for your needs. We will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of DIY and professional solutions, as well as some key points to consider when making your choice.

DIY Approach

The DIY approach refers to the process of designing, troubleshooting, configuring, or implementing your home or business network setup independently, without relying on professional services. For this, you must have some understanding of types of network equipment, wireless frequencies, distance/coverage, and capacity.

Types of Networking Equipment

When it comes to networking equipment, there are significant differences between consumer-grade and business-grade products. Consumer-grade networking products are typically found in retail stores and are designed for home or small office use. They are generally less expensive and may offer shorter warranty periods. Business-grade networking products are designed for larger and more demanding environments. They are built to higher specifications, offering greater reliability, performance, and security. Business-grade equipment often comes with longer warranty periods and is supported by a network of trained and certified partners.

Types of Wireless Frequencies

There are three main types of wireless frequencies used in wireless networks: 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6 GHz. The 2.4 GHz frequency offers the widest coverage but has a slower data rate, while the 5 GHz frequency provides faster data rates and less interference from other networks. The 6 GHz frequency is typically used for high-bandwidth applications, such as video streaming and online gaming.


The distance a wireless signal can travel and the coverage it provides depend on the frequency. Higher frequencies, such as 5 GHz and 6 GHz, have a shorter range than lower frequencies, such as 2.4 GHz.


The capacity of a wireless frequency refers to how much data it can transmit. Higher frequencies generally have a higher capacity than lower frequencies, making them suitable for applications that require high-speed data transfer and large numbers of users.

Advantages of a DIY Approach

Cost-effectiveness: DIY solutions can be more budget-friendly, as you can find budget-friendly networking hardware and components that suit your needs.

Customization: With a DIY setup, you have more freedom to customize your network, choosing components that best match your specific needs.

Learning potential: A DIY approach allows you to learn new skills and gain a better understanding of your network technology.

Disadvantages of a DIY Approach

Time-consuming: DIY network setups can be extremely time-consuming, especially if you’re not familiar with network technology.

Potential for errors: Without professional support, there’s a higher risk of making mistakes during the setup process, which can lead to network glitches, security vulnerabilities, or decreased performance.

Professional Help

A professional business or home network setup focuses on creating a secure and high-performance network tailored to your business’s or home’s needs. Professionals follow a structured approach, considering your business or home layout and size, and recommend and install high-quality equipment when necessary. They optimize and configure equipment for top performance and employ network segmentation for added security.

Professional Wireless Assessments

Professional wireless assessments involve a comprehensive analysis of the current wireless installation, considering specific environmental, architectural, and configuration factors. The wireless network assessment process begins with a thorough gathering of information about the end-to-end system, followed by a site visit to assess APs (access points), switching infrastructure, WLAN design, and integrated components such as NAC or AAA services.

The assessment includes:

  • Physical design blueprint of site map with wireless access point locations, mounting, channel plan, and power settings.
  • Areas of wireless coverage with connectivity and configuration information.
  • Information on all active devices, including tablets, smartphones, and Wi-Fi devices.

Expert Analysis

The assessment report provides expert analysis of the data, enabling users to make informed decisions about improving their wireless infrastructure. A comprehensive analysis of the current wireless installation and recommendations for future improvements is included in the report.

Advantages of Professional Help

Assessment: Identifying and evaluating wireless network coverage and strengths and detecting rogue access points.

Scalability: Professional setups are designed with scalability in mind, easily adapting the network to accommodate more devices or increased bandwidth requirements.

Expertise: Professional network installation services are performed by experts who can troubleshoot complex issues and provide timely solutions.

Reduced risk of errors: Professionals have the necessary knowledge and experience to minimize the risk of errors during the setup process.

Disadvantages of Professional Help

Cost: Professional services may come with a higher price tag compared to DIY solutions.

Less customization: Professional solutions may not be as customizable as DIY setups, as they are often designed with a one-size-fits-all approach.

Key Points to Consider

When deciding between DIY and professional solutions, you should consider:

Technical expertise: Assess your own technical skills and knowledge. If you’re confident in your abilities, a DIY approach may be suitable. However, if you’re not confident or have complex network requirements, professional help may be a better option.

Budget: Compare the costs of DIY solutions with professional services. DIY solutions can be more cost-effective, but professional services may offer better results and peace of mind.

Time: Consider the time required for each approach. DIY solutions can be very time-consuming, so if you have a busy schedule, a professional service may be more practical.

Security risks: Network connectivity issues can lead to data loss or security breaches. If you’re concerned about security, professional help may be the wiser choice.

To Conclude

Both DIY and professional solutions have their advantages and disadvantages. When deciding between a DIY or professional business or home network setup, consider your technical knowledge, budget, customization preferences, and level of convenience. Consider the key points mentioned above to make the best decision for your network connectivity issues. If you have the necessary technical expertise, a tight budget, and customisation preferences, a DIY approach may be suitable. However, if you lack technical knowledge, have complex network requirements or issues, or prioritise high performance and reliability, seeking professional assistance may be the better option.  Assess your specific situation and make an informed decision that aligns with your goals for a reliable and efficient network.

Still not sure whether to “Do It Yourself” or to seek professional assistance when diagnosing network connectivity issues or setting up a new network in your business or home? Or perhaps have some additional networking questions? We can help and are standing by! Our Eggsperts are eggcellent in diagnosing network connectivity issues and new network setups. Please contact us by visiting our website at, by calling (760) 205-0105, or by emailing us at  with your questions or suggestions for our next article.

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